
Smile sms Messages

Today I Gave some1 ur cell no.She will be visiting u soon. plz attend her properly. I asked to stay with you
forever. Her name is SMILE...

Full Name: prudhvisree ;8801439849

 After a shower of rain,a piece of luminous sunshine decorates the earth wonderfully...One drop of dew on
the grass and a foggy morning gives 2urge 2live...But a illusive smile frm u increase vitality of someone...So
keep smiling..........

Full Name: prudhvisree ;8801439849

 Heart Can Skip Beats 4 a While
Memories can be kept in a file
A desert can replace the Nile
NOthing can stop a smile when ur name appears on my mobile.

smile in ease
smile in pain
smile when trouble
pore like rain
smile whn someone hert ur fellings

smiles you know are very hailng usman
It's better to stay away from girls. Only one or two can bring SMILE to your life, remaining will steel your HAPPINESS from your life noty

Full Name: prudhvisree ;8801439849
Suna hai keh ap ki 1 smile par Log martay hain,
So keep smillind....
To reduce ...
Full Name: Taim
Smiling is infectious,
you catch it like the flu.
when someone smiled at me today,
I started smiling too.
I passed around the corner,
and someone
saw my grin.
when he smiled I realized.
I'd passed it on to him!
I thought about that smile,
then I realized it's worth.
a single smile just like mine,
could travel round the Earth

Full Name: prudhvisree ;8801439849

U know what is the largest word in english language.
"SmileS" bcoz there is mile between two "S". (S mile S). So
spread smiles everywhere.

Full Name: prudhvisree ;8801439849

Smile is a lnguage of Luv.
Smile is a way to get success,
Smile is to win the hearts.
Smile improves ur personality.
Brush daily.

Full Name: prudhvisree ;8801439849

 Let me guess what U R doing...
Reading book?
Na Na!
Listining Music?
Watching TV?
Caught U!
Missing me and reading my SMS na.!!
Oh now U R smiling.
Full Name:

 Keep the smile,
Leave the t
Think of joy,
Forget the fear ,
Hold the laugh,
Leave the pain,
Be jouyous till i sms again

Full Name: prudhvisree ;8801439849