April Fool SMS – April Fool Day Wishes Quotes & Pranks | 1st April 2012 SMS Aliens Have Contacted The Earth… Just Watch The News And See It…. . . . . . . . And One More Thing Advance Mein Happy April Fool..! –> Today if anyone praises U 4 UR: 1.SMARTNESS 2.NATURE 3.STYLE 4.ATTITUTE Kick them how dare [...]
Navratri 2012 SMS – Happy Navratri Wishes – Chaitra navratri 2012 Messages N-Nav Din Ki V-vandna R-Roshni A-Aaradhana T-Tej R-Rakhne Waali A-Ambey Maa Aapki Manokamnaye Puri Kare. Happy Navratri 2012 !!! –> Jai Maa Durge! Jai Maa Ambe! Jai Maa Jagdambe! Jai Maa Bhawani! Jai Maa Sheetla! Jai Maa Vaishno! Jai Maa Chandi! Mata Rani [...]
Mahashivaratri 2012 SMS – Happy MahaShivaratri 2012 Wishes SMS Messages May Lord Shiva Bless you with Good Fortune and Prosperity Happy Shivarathri 2012 –> May Shiva bless you with good health May Shiva bless you with love May Shiva bless you with happiness Happy Maha Shivratri. –> On the occasion of Mahashivaratri, I pray [...]
Maha Shivaratri SMS – Happy Maha Shivaratri Wishes Messages ,-”””-, | == | |om | |_ _ _ _ _ {_~~_~_~~_~~_~~_ _ _? om namah shivay “HAPPY MAHASHIVRATRI” –> MahaShivratri blessings to you and your family. May the ultimate almighty Lord Shiva bless you all with good things and perfect health.” –> shiv ki sakti [...]
Flirting Day SMS 2012 – Happy Flirting Day Wishes – Flirting Text Messages New style of proposing a girl “Can I borrow a coin?” “I told my mom that I wil phone her wen I met d girl of my dreams” –> Butterflies don’t know the color of their wings, but human eyes know how nice it is… Like wise you [...]
Perfume Day SMS 2012 – Happy Perfume Day Wishes Quotes – Perfume Day Text Messages Beauty is an ecstasy it is as simple as hunger There is really nothing to be said about it It is like the perfume of a rose you can smell it and that is all. Wish You Happy Perfume Day –> Can anyone remember [...]
Happy Kick Day SMS – Kick Day 2012 SMS Quotes We’ve got our football where no one wears anything and the guys are in little shorts and they beat the crap out of each other, and they can catch it and they can kick it, and it’s the only place it’s played in the world. [...]
Happy Slap Day 2012 SMS – Slap Day SMS Messages Roses are red, Violets are blue, Sugar is sweet and so are you……. The Roses are wilting, the violets dead, the sugar bowl’s empty and so is your head. –> i love you smile, your face and you eyes, damn i’m good at telling lies! [...]